Wellness Program
Our Wellness Program focuses on care, help and trust in our church. New posters have been created for each church promoting a “Scent free” environment. There will also be food allergen posters for the kitchen area cautioning those with dietary restrictions. In the interest of health and safety, we have partnered nationally with St. John’s Ambulance to offer free First Aid + CPR training for 2 people per church location. Trainees’ would then become the “Safety Officers” for their respective congregations. The registration process for this training will be arranged through the NAC Canada administration office.
Eligible churches can also have an automated external defibrillator (AED) installed at no-charge, which can provide a feeling of security and source of help for those in cardiac arrest. *see A.E.D eligibility FAQ.
The Wellness Program will also provide clear direction where there has been an accident, injury and near-miss, and streamline consent forms for Sunday School and Youth events. Keeping in mind the well-being of those in our care, a responsible drug & alcohol policy will be delivered with the program.
Please visit the FAQ section if you have questions about the Wellness Program.
Inspired by the vision statement of the New Apostolic Church, the purpose of dwell™ is to allow our church to be a place in which people feel at home.
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